Be the best version of YOU ❤️🫶 #selfcare #selflove #motivate #inspire #dogood #begood #bepositive #beauty #classy #sexy #fun
When you feel lost find yourself in the things that will make you better..
• Train your body and health to its full potential
• Start a hobby or business venture and work on it till you excel
• Educate yourself on the power of Mindset and Influence
• Give your attention to those who genuinely love and support you
• Most importantly Love yourself from with in, grow and remember you got this👑
👙: lulifamaswimwear
Be happy in your own skin ✨ #bikini #bikinigirl #island #islandlife #beachgirl #happy #fun #classy #sexy #beauty #positive #motivate #inspire #ootd #fashion #lifestyle #lulibabe #lulifama #fit #fitnessmotivation #fitmom #fitness #travel #traveling
Zo fijn om hier te zijn en nog even in de warmte te zijn voordat de winter begint!
#winterbreak #vacation #curacao #dushikorsou #summervibes #zonzeesttrand #cocktails
Островная жизнь 🌺🌴
#летоэтомаленькаяжизнь #греческиеканикулы #крит #купаюсьвлучахсолнца #crete🇬🇷 #palekastro #bikiniweather #travelislife #lulifamaswimwear #lulifamababe
I am soo ready for you Southern Cal, be back soon Miami 🤍
📸: gatoriveroph
💖Mi Vida Costa Baby 🌴
Universe is ours ✨✨🌞🌕
📸 by me
Tripod from Amazon
My kind of R&R ☀️ #girlrelax #brunchinspo
Already dreaming of the next big adventure💭💭💭 #islandtime🌴 #beliziansunset #traveltheworld
cc: virginiawagner 💕
Siéntete libre como el aire
Swipe and tell me which one you like ☺️
📸 in Miami
Bitter sweet when I have to head home from vacation. It’s back to work next week until I can do it again! 1 week until my next flight. ✈️ #traveladdict #aloha #mauihawaii #hawaiilife #workhardplayharder #explore #wanderlust #dromomania #gettingkerriedaway #travelhappy #livetoexplore #exploremore #lovelifeoutside #livingmybestlife
Now I get why people call their 20s the golden years ✨
Bathingsuit 👙 lulifamaswimwear
Beach days are good for the soul ☺️✨
I heard it’s supposed to be 75 this weekend 🤗
Sunday Funday it’s a Pool Day! We are grillin and chillin 😎 and lovin this weather!
Last day of February and it’s 80 degrees in the ATL 😎
Bring on those summer days 😎🌴🌊😎🌴🌊
#summervibes #summerdreaming #tastyofsummer #eightyandsunny #lossiebeachclub #lulifamaswimwear #countingdowntosummer #quayaustralia #pooldaysarethebestdays #homesweethome #blondie_on_board
With the curve ✨✨☀️
Wearing lulifamaswimwear
With the curve ✨✨☀️
Wearing lulifamaswimwear
Disfrutando un bello atardecer en Jobos...que ricoooo Puerto Rico!! 🥰🌊🏝
#isabela #jobosbeach #jobos #puertorico #boricua #yosoyboricua #orgulloboricua #puertoricoblogger #yosoyboricuapaquetulosepas #puertoricogram #puertoricoholic #isladelencanto #placespuertorico #soyturistaenpr #lugarespr #puertoricolohacemejor #puertoricocompartetuisla #turisteandoenpuertorico #hashtagpuertorico #deaquipapuertorico #puertorico_greatshots #puertoricopics #estoespuertorico #100x35 #prvive #heyitspuertorico #enjoypuertorico #tiratepr #prstrongwepa #PRdise
Can you believe spring is less than 50 days away 🌴🙌🏻😎
And that means it’s time to start planning spring break! With Covid, things are changing by the day but we can hope 🙌🏻 and dream 😴 that sunny skies and blue water 💦 is in the future!
Check out my Amazon page for my favorite things for Spring Break (link in bio) I’ll be packing several of these items myself 😎🌴😎🌴
#theseareafewofmyfavoritethings #amazoninfluencer #springbreak2021 ##aglowpresets #30a #30alife #florida #beachvacation #lulifamaswimwear #lulibabe #travelgram #travelblogger #blondie_on_board
Hello 2021 - Clearing the mind & Creating new goals
Sunday funday #sunday #lookslikesummer lulifamaswimwear #lemonaderush
Right before the scorpion bit me 🦂
Aquela prainha sagrada de domingo💙💙 lulifamaswimwear
Shout out to the neighbor who saw me run for my Cubanita life after this was taken
Chloe Leonik Starter Pack :
johnherzog and annkutyna
lulifamaswimwear #lulifama
𝙇𝙤𝙨 𝙘𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙨 𝙙𝙚 𝙢𝙞 𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙖 🎶🌴🇵🇷
(Almost looks like I created this swimsuit by rolling down the stairs 😂)
#aguadilla #puertorico #boricua #puertoricogram #puertoricoholic #isladelencanto #placespuertorico #soyturistaenpr #lugarespr #puertoricolife #discoverpuertorico #amazingpuertorico #puertoricocompartetuisla #turisteandoenpuertorico #hashtagpuertorico #seepuertorico #puertorico_greatshots #puertoricopics #estoespuertorico #100x35 #prvive #heyitspuertorico #enjoypuertorico #tiratepr #lulifama #prstrongwepa #PRdise #puertoricostyle #puertoricopaisajes #loscoloresdemitierra
sittin pretty... a series
sittin pretty... a series
Sicker than yo average 🤧
Also new body skincare video is out today the link is in my bio 💗
#weightlosstransformation#weightlossjourney #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #transformation #losingweight #weightlossinspiration #selflove #bodypositive #bodypositivity #loveyourself #fitness #weightloss #motivation #confidence #selfesteem #bodyacceptance #selfconfidence #intermittentfasting #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fasting #weightlosstransformation #weightlosssuccess #weightlossresults #intermittentfasting #intermittentfastingresults#sacramento #sactown
Beach time always goes by too fast 🏖❤️
Relaxing in our cabana today! Thanks poolecarol #traveladdict #cabosanlucas #cabosanlucas #sandosfinisterra #mexico #beachday #igotapassportstamp #workhardplayharder #explore #wanderlust #dromomania #gettingkerriedaway #travelhappy #livetoexplore #exploremore #livingmybestlife
Another beach day💖 with my girls and onceuponacoconut ✨✨
Ехала в отпуск с 50,2 кг, вернулась 51,3 😳
В отеле кушала овощи, свежие, на гриле, мясо немного...Грешила конечно пицца 2 раза, даже умудрилась пойти в Мак и купить там луковых колечек ( у нас же нет, нужно попробовать) 😂
Но я и дома грешу пиццой и Маком, вино никто не отменял...
Так вот, что поняла - отсутсвие движения 🤔 Дома мы все в делах, бегаем, ходим и тд. На таком относительно ленивом отдыхе люди потребляют больше чем тратят и как результат + на весах.
Так что, чтобы оставаться в своём весе нужно двигаться. Тогда можно и погрешить в перерывах межу ЗОЖем 😈🤫
А вы набираете после отпуска или выходных?
#lulifama #bikinigirl #sunkissed💋 #turkey🇹🇷 #happygirlsaretheprettiest #travelgram #лулифама #летомаленькаяжизнь #солнечнаядевочка
We had to quickly shift our communication strategy to adapt-with this unprecedented time," said Lourdes Luli Hanimian in an email interview. "We definitely did a 180 degree in terms of messaging and adapted our tone to be more aligned to our customers' current lifestyle change." lulifamaswimwear
Read the full article written by fashion editor mikechaiken with the link in bio.
Beaching 😋🌴
#kemer #mysummer #lulifama #mysummer #chilling #bikinigirl #travelholic #travelgirls #одессамама #летоэтомаленькаяжизнь
Rocking my #Lulifama all day long in honor of their livestreamed
🌺 R U N W A Y 🌺
show tonight!
Their new collection “Diosa” is bold, daring, sexy... the list goes on! Just enforcing how much I need a beach 🏝 in my life 😂. Don’t forget, tune in at 8pm via LuliFamaSwimwear this evening for a night of show stopping bikinis! #lulibabe #Diosa
Rocking my #Lulifama all day long in honor of their livestreamed
🌺 R U N W A Y 🌺
show tonight!
Their new collection “Diosa” is bold, daring, sexy... the list goes on! Just enforcing how much I need a beach 🏝 in my life 😂. Don’t forget, tune in at 8pm via LuliFamaSwimwear this evening for a night of show stopping bikinis! #lulibabe #Diosa
Always filtered, never photoshopped. 💁🏻♀️ I gotta teach my #instagramhusband the importance of fixing the bikini. I just got him to stop rolling his eyes when I ask for the pic. One step at a time. 😂 #laketahoe #peace #bikini #boat #instatravel #mountains #peaches #fitness #lulifama lulifamaswimwear
Thank you so much to the gopoolvegas & reignbodyfuel for hosting me for an early birthday celebration 💕🌴💕